
Creating AWS MQ (RabbitMQ) with Terraform

AWS Secrets Manager is used to store the RabbitMQ admin password.

terraform {  
    required_version = ">= 1.2.0"  

    required_providers {  
        aws = {  
        source = "hashicorp/aws"  
        version = "~> 4.16"  

provider "aws" {  
    region =

data "aws_vpc" "vpc" {  
    id = var.vpc-id

data "aws_subnets" "private" {
    filter {
        name = "vpc-id"
        values = []
    filter {
        # Assumes private=1 is the tag for private subnets
        # Adjust based on exact subnet setup
        name = "private"
        values = ["1"]  

data "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "rabbitmq_secret" {  
    name = "rabbitmq-password"

data "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "rabbitmq_secret_version" {  
    secret_id =  

resource "aws_mq_broker" "rabbit" {  
    broker_name =

    engine_type = "RabbitMQ"
    # Change to latest if out of date
    engine_version = "3.10.20"  
    host_instance_type = "mq.t3.micro"  
    publicly_accessible = false  
    security_groups = [
    # Fixed to one subnet as SINGLE_INSTANCE is used
    # Expand to use more or all subnets in a multi node setup
    subnet_ids = [data.aws_subnets.private.ids[0]]
    deployment_mode = "SINGLE_INSTANCE"  

    user {  
        username = "admin"
        password = jsondecode(data.aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.rabbitmq_secret_version.secret_string)["admin"]  

# Host and IP are not direct properties of aws_mq_broker
# for RabbitMQ, so examples below show one way to extract
module "shell_ip" {
    source  = "Invicton-Labs/shell-resource/external"
    command_unix = "dig +short $(echo $URL | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d':' -f1) | grep -v '\\.$'"  
    environment = {
        URL =  
    depends_on = []

module "shell_host" {  
    source  = "Invicton-Labs/shell-resource/external"
    command_unix = "echo $URL | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d':' -f1"
    environment = {
        URL =
    depends_on = []  

output "mq-host" {  
    value = module.shell_host.stdout

output "mq-ip" {  
    value = module.shell_ip.stdout

output "mq-console" {  
    value =